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Total Value: $9,797

WHAT YOU WILL GET: 1 InstaXplosion Instagram rewards account with Full Mobile Wallet integration: Value $1,997

See Below for Bonus Information.

 Special One-Time Only Price of $38/mon OR or Annual 2 months off At $380!

If you leave this page now, you will NEVER see this offer again! Don't miss out on this exclusive one-time offer!

Start-Up Influencer

  • Includes a 30 Day Free trial Manychat PRO subscription. Value $15

  • 3 different rewards packages for YOUR FOLLOWERS including free bestselling books, award winning learning from masterclasses & up to 90% off luxury vacations!

  • 2,000 Digital Loyalty & Rewards Passes for EACH of your followers (1 per Instagram Account) for your followers to keep track of their earned rewards including vacations: Value: $1,000

  • 2 Keywords for DM automated responses to messages. Value: $500

  • ONE Loyalty & Reward Dedicated Card that integrates directly into your Phone Wallet to keep track of your own rewards. Value: $995

  • One-year membership of Brand Explosion with Sir Marco Robinson worth $299 (Including a video every week on strategy & tactics on your Business and socials & live coaching every month)

  • FREE “PUSH Notifications” technology you can use at anytime and unlimited times! Message your followers and they will NOTIFICATIONS direct to their PHONE SCREEN!. Value: $1,997

  • It's proven to increase attendance to any webinar or virtual event by up to 30%!

  • FREE 8 Week Instagram Mastermind LIVE with Instagram, Facebook & Twitter Verified Influencer Sir Marco Robinson. Value: $997

  • Training Hub Membership. Value $1,997

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